As a 2019 #LorealParis #WomenofWorth Honoree for my volunteer work with #RicStarsCamp, I’m thrilled and honored to announce that voting has now opened for the 2022 National Honoree at Year 17! Ten more non-profit leaders. Ten more great causes. You help select the one woman that will receive an extra $25,000 for her cause! No small change. Vote daily thru Nov. 30!
FYI-As an author/columnist/speaker & #disability activist, I’m thrilled to see that the #LorealParis #WomenofWorth program has again included an outstanding woman that supports the cause of disability. I love all the 2022 organizations and will most likely spread my daily vote around. Maybe. But I admit to having a special place in my heart for honoree, #RadhikaShah. She’s a special needs sib (my heroes) & founder of #RealAutismDifference,, which supports individuals and families impacted by autism by providing access to critical resources. Because 1 in 59 individuals (CDC) are impacted by this disability (1 in 43 boys), the resource is sorely needed. If this is a cause close to your heart, or to those around you, please check out Radhika’s cause & share it with those that could most benefit.
Feel free to vote for Radhika as the 2022 National WOW Honoree, too. 🙂 All ten women are #WorthIt! Check out my new video post on this news here: Videos – Judy Winter
Below photo is of me speaking at the 2019 WOW Gala in NYC after being introduced by the amazing #CamillaCabello!! Being honored as a L’Oreal Paris Women of Worth has been a highlight of my professional career. Getty Images.

Photso courtesy of Women of Worth. #autismacceptance