I was feeling a bit Sex and the City this morning as I selected my Sassy Fashionista choice for this week’s post.

In honor of the popular series, and the second season of the spinoff, And Just Like That, which returns to HBO Max on June 22nd, here is today’s fashion choice.

Just in time for the return of Aidan.


A green tutu with a simple black T and black Birkies.

You really don’t need much else when you are twirling in a tutu on a chilly Monday morning. Keep it simple, people.

This lovely lace, forest green skirt with a cascade of Tulle, was a lucky find hanging solo in a crowded Michigan Anthropologie sales room in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

I had to have it. It practically jumped into my creative arms.

It makes me feel all ballerina and such, and since it’s not bubblegum pink, it feels less Barbie like and a bit more wearable. It’s actually the color Guacamole in a size M Petite.

At $99.95 ON SALE, this was not an inexpensive purchase. But with another 20 percent off, which made this a final sale, I couldn’t resist. It will also be a great fall piece/color with boots and a sweater. Good for photo shoots in the woods, too.

I bought it on the fashion spot and danced out to my car with that familiar NY-City-Gals theme song playing in my ears.

While you may not be able to put your hands on this exact piece. I’m pretty sure all you have to do is search amazon.com to find your own lovely rendition. Probably cheaper to do it that way that, too.

Happy twirling, Sassy Fashionistas!!


Winter Images 2023 / Vintage Stella McCartney Necklace Purse /Birkies from my closet.