I am honored to be featured in the just-released film ‘The Sandwich Kid,’ about the lives of siblings of kids with special needs. This timely and powerful film is produced by Keri Bowers and her son Jace (normalfilms.com), whose older brother Taylor has autism. Taylor is a talented filmaker whose first film with his mom entitled ‘Normal People Scare Me,’ has already won rave reviews.

You can see a ten-minute promo of ‘The Sandwich Kid’ by visiting You Tube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bMg-dGzVeU. The film is available for purchase (as is ‘Normal People Scare Me’) at www.normalfilms.com.

Please pass this info on to everyone you know! The film isn’t just for those facing special needs, it is a great tool to help build greater awareness of and sensitivity for the special needs population, while giving my heroes- the sibs in special needs families- a well-deserved voice. We are all richer because of the efforts of this talented filmaker family.

Breakthrough Parenting for Children with Special Needs: Raising the Bar of Expectations