Registration for Year 21 of the Eric ‘RicStar’ Winter Music Therapy Camp, aka RicStar’s Camp, is now OPEN!! 🎸🎹🎤

All ages. All abilities. Sibs. Financial assistance. You can also sign up to volunteer, including as Teen Buddy, and support a camper with financial need with your donation. More than half of our campers require such assistance. You help make camp possible for them. 💖

Register here.

For additional information about RicStar’s Camp, and on-going updates about Camp RicStar, our film documentary now in the works, click here. RicStar’s Camp – Judy Winter

Please help us spread the music word about camp with those you know could most benefit. This camp changes lives.

Thank You for helping us make a difference for those with disabilities utilizing the amazing power of music and focused on what individuals with special needs CAN do.

It’s all pure RicStar Magic!

Judy Winter & Jena Hovey Photos.