One more quick entry today!
I just can’t go another day without extending my big congratulations to Josh Blue, the talented, very funny comedian who recently won the title of Last Comic Standing on the popular television program on NBC!
John happens to have cerebral palsy, but any concerns I had about his receiving nothing more than the pity vote quickly disappeared as the seasoned comic took to the stage week after week with material worthy of a pro. Josh captured the loyalty of the audiences both in studio and at home while skillfully using his disability in his act without coming off as self deprecating.
As a skilled comic (and he is a comic first) Josh had no intention of focusing on using his cerebral palsy to capture the pity vote; he was using his tremendous talent as a comic to win this thing. And while so many comics today seem to believe they must use profanity and address even the most vile subjects, (some better left to late late night routines), Blue’s comedy was cutting edge without being offensive, allowing families to watch a feel good story together without concerns about personal embarrassment, censorship or a v chip. Josh Blue won it all by just being incredibly funny, not profane. How refreshing in every single way.
Did I mention that Josh’s parents were in the audience each week, with pride and love clearly evident on their faces? I have no doubt that their parenting played a key role in Josh’s success and I hope that now that he has been catapulted to tv stardom, we will hear more about his life growing up with a disability.
Congrats to the entire Blue family, and to the cool viewers who wisely looked beyond one man’s disability to vote for the best comedian!
What a terrific example this story is for all those with special needs, and their families, especially as the new school year begins– and I felt you should know about it! Against tough odds, Josh Blue won Last Comic Standing. Now what talents will you nuture in your child this year?? Begin today!
Check out Josh Blue at– and more about me at!