There’s no question that economic times are currently tough in this country. Many good folks are struggling just to make ends meet, fuel their cars, and put food on the table. Food banks in many communities are running on empty while demand grows bigger each day. People who never expected to stand in food lines or live on the street now are, including children counting on the adults in their lives to fill their empty tummies.

The line of circumstance that separates us all is thin, indeed. You don’t have to look to a foreign land to fill a need. There’s one waiting to be met right in your own backyard.
If ever there was a time for those of us who can help, to dig deep and share, this is it. Please consider giving to or support your local food bank TODAY.
No one should go hungry in the land of plenty. Please, don’t turn away. Become part of the hunger solution, starting right now. One person can make a difference.
Remember, good karma begets good karma…
Breakthrough Parenting for Children with Special Needs: Raising the Bar of Expectations