Be sure to catch Oprah’s Monday tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The Dream Lives On- A Martin Luther King Day Special promises to deliver a powerful hour featuring a well-deserved tribute to this remarkable man who fought for the rights of all people. The program will explore the importance of King’s legacy for us today.

King’s work holds special meaning for those of us who care about the rights of those with special needs, a huge population that in 2008 is at the forefront of its own human rights movement. I’ll be sharing my own perspective about all of this right here on Monday, too.

Let’s hope we also see some of the great kids with special needs that O producers auditioned for their ‘I Have a Dream, Today!’ montage. Keep your eyes open! That inclusion would be huge.

How will you recognize this important day?
Breakthrough Parenting for Children with Special Needs: Raising the Bar of Expectations