- Creating Holiday Magic for Kids with Special Needs– Week Two
- (JudyWinter.com 2008/ All rights reserved)
Inclusion is the name of the game!
Kids with special needs are children first, with big dreams and long holiday wish lists, just like other kids. Whenever possible, include the child in holiday festivities and activities like tree trimming, baking cookies, shopping for gifts, and attending church services (use the cry room if needed). Include that child in family holiday photos and videos, too.
- Creating Holiday Magic for Kids with Special Needs– Week One (JudyWinter.com 2008/ All rights reserved. First posted Friday, Nov. 7th.
Address food allergies and noise/touch sensitivities and make allowances for them.
The seasonal bounty this time of year can result in overload for many children, especially those with sensory, auditory and food issues. Kids with food allergies may not be able to eat all the traditional goodies most of us eagerly gobble up. Discuss alternative choices and inform family members about any life-threatening food allergies so they don’t offer the offending food to the child.
Photo above: Eric and me after his performance in his final holiday play, Dec. 2002, a photo and memory I now cherish.