Back by popular demand, and also to support new visitors to my blog who haven’t seen these before, I am repeating my Creating Holiday Magic for Kids with Special Needs tips (with new photos) for the next seven weeks, beginning today.
I hope these strategies help make your holidays just a bit brighter, whatever your seasonal traditions.
When it comes to holiday magic and special needs, good communication and planning are key.
Creating Holiday Magic for Kids with Special Needs– Week One ( 2009/ All rights reserved)
Address food allergies and noise/touch sensitivities and make allowances for them. The seasonal bounty this time of year can result in overload for many children, especially those with sensory, auditory and food issues. Kids with food allergies may not be able to eat all the traditional goodies most of us eagerly gobble up. Discuss alternative choices and inform family members about any life-threatening food allergies so they don’t offer the offending food to the child.
Photo by Judy Winter 09