Jenna Taylor Photo. All rights reserved.

Christmas Reflection. 

Each December, when my heart and soul start to feel a bit off in light of all the holiday magic, festivities and lovely holiday updates from others, I take time to check in with my son.

Eric passed away unexpectedly in 2003 at age 12 from complications of cerebral palsy.

At this especially emotional and frantic time of year, I gift myself respect and attention for the place in my heart that will never full heal, a sacred place reserved just for a mom and her beloved son.

With powerful emotions never far from the surface.

Holding Eric close to my heart at Christmas is a healing tradition that helps center my holiday world.

Makes it a tad brighter, too.

If you’re grieving, and I know many people that are right now, I hope this post helps grant you permission to honor your loss, even embrace some new traditions in time.

Forget other people’s expectations.

Loss is hard. Carrying it around forever is hard, too. Remember to take care of yourself. Be gentle. Patient. Loving. Hide under the covers if needed.

Try not to drink.

The intensity of grief won’t last forever.

If you’re trying to support someone that has experienced great loss, don’t go silent.

Show up.

Ask about his/her loved one, then listen to the resulting, heartfelt, emotional words.

Your full attention is a sacred, healing gift that never gets old. No matter how much time has passed.

And for the record, a parent never gets over losing a child. Ever.

I will always be the mother of two children. Just ask me.