If you want to catch my interview on Live! with Lisa Radio at Yale with Tim Shriver, it’s reairing as part of their best of shows on Friday, July 25th from 10 a.m. to noonWYBC-AM1340, http://www.wybc.com . (Top photo: me with super producer, Gabby Durk; Middle photo- me in studio, and on the left- me with Lisa Wexler, terrific show host and the Lisa in Live! With Lisa!).

You say you just can’t wait?
🙂 Then check out the link now and listen. It’s a two-hour program with various guests. Tim Shriver comes in at about 10:20 or so and I come in after that for most of the rest of the time. Sorry I don’t have the edited down version yet, but it’s all worth listening to.

…and don’t forget to watch for another season of the Real Housewives of NYC on Bravo! Lisa’s sister, Jill Zarin, is one of the cool housewives. I admit that it’s one of my guilty pleasures.



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