Read Aloud for 15 minutes!!
I like. I share. I like this resource because I love reading. I believe strongly in the value of reading daily to your child, including to those with exceptionalities. I did it with my son and it became one of our most precious times of the day. I know it impacted his learning in positive ways, especially when I intentionally messed up the words to Dr. Seuss books.
I can still hear the laughter.
Please, read to your children!! 15 minutes. That’s all. If you need to start out small because of attention issues, etc., do so and then build on that success. You and your child have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
If you are struggling with your own literacy issues, making this effort difficult or impossible, seek support. Start with your local library. It’s okay to ask for the help you need.
It will change your child’s life and yours, too.