I can’t believe that in 2023 we are still debating equality for women.

Among other things …

So, here’s a reminder of how long women have had the right to vote.

Saturday was the annual recognition of #Women’sEqualityDay, which in 1920, and every year since, commemorated passage of the 19th Amendment, granting women the right to #VOTE!

Women have made, and continue to make, amazing contributions to our country and the world. Let’s spend our valuable time celebrating that fact.

Let’s keep moving forward people, not waste time chasing inequalities of the past.

Imagine the real-world problems we could solve if we redirected our energies, and we are facing more than few.

How are you spending your time?

Are you contributing positively and proactively to needed solutions?

#dreambig #raiseyourvoice #makeapositivedifference

Learn more about Women’s Equality Day here. https://nationalwomenshistoryalliance.org/…/womens…/

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