A few years ago, I was asked by L.A. filmmaker/activist/mom Keri Bowers, to take part in her new film, ‘The Sandwich Kid,’ about the role of siblings in special needs families.
I was thrilled to be part of this valuable effort that explores the important and challenging role of brothers and sisters in families with children with disabilities.

Bowers had already done some terrific work on the topic of special needs, especially autism, with her first film, ‘Normal People Scare Me.’ Her oldest son, Taylor Cross, is an aspiring filmmaker and speaker who helped produce that film. Taylor was diagnosed at with autism at age fifteen.

Recently, I recognized siblings in Day One of my Twelve Days of Special Needs Advocacy. That reminded me that this might be a great time to revisit ‘The Sandwich Kid,’ and provide you with both the links to view the film’s promo and to Bowers website, where this film and others are available for purchase.

If you haven’t yet seen ‘The Sandwich Kid,’ you will be deeply moved by the siblings insightful and emotional words. If you have viewed it, it’s worth another look.
Out of the mouths of babes.