Learn the law. Get yourself a good resource to have on hand that you can refer to time and again as needed to address a particular challenge facing your child (mine are well dog eared!). You can also access the Internet for lots of free info on this topic. Googling will help you find them fast.

If you want to purchase your own books, here’s a great website to get you started. Wrightslaw.com, considered a forerunner in providing accurate, family friendly resources on Special Education Law, (and no, they aren’t paying me to say this; but maybe they should!). Start slowly, and refer to your resources as needed, including for timely updates.

It’s tough to advocate effectively for your child if you don’t have at least a working knowledge of the the laws protecting their rights. But you don’t need to become an attorney.

Although, there may well be days when you feel like you do…. 

Breakthrough Parenting for Children with Special Needs: Raising the Bar of Expectations