Registration for RETURNING campers is now open for the 10th Annual Eric ‘RicStar’ Winter Music Therapy Camp at Michigan State University’s Community Music School (aka RicStar’s Camp). Camp registration will open to all new campers beginning March 1st.

The 2012 RicStar’s Camp will be held Thurs. June 14 thru Sat. June 16th. Fees are the same as 2011. Financial aid available. You must return a completed 2012 Registration form and payment to hold your spot.

Reminder: Register early! Camp always fills up quickly.

For more info, including opportunities to sponsor a deserving camper, signing up teens without disabilities for our popular Buddy Up Program, becoming a guest musician or an adult volunteer, please click here.

Music changes lives, especially here. But we can’t make the magic happen without you.

Lives worth living. Focused on ability.
Photo Judy Winter 2012