The words of CNN’s Anderson Cooper, reporting from Washington, D.C., last night drove home the historical magnitude of this day for me when he reported that slaves helped build the White House. 
Today, that house becomes President Barack Obama’s new digs, and we usher in a brand new era of hope and renewal for our wounded country, and its weary citizens. 
Today, we celebrate! The hard work of realizing needed change begins tomorrow with the dedicated actions and ownership of each one of us. 
Making history is no small feat.
Photo: ©Eric Thayer 2008/All rights reserved– one of my fav photographers and a friend of my daughter’s, both grads of Brooks Institute of Photography. Photo used with permission. Check out Eric’s photos and those of other talented photogs from the 2008 campaign trail at: thestumpinggrounds. See more of Eric Thayer’s work at: